Labels:daily | earth | fence | grandstand | railing | road | sea | sky OCR: lite which is not employed That part of the Christian' niefly spent in see king and sctive service of his Lord him. For this he plies the throne, msintaining Co u ion witl frequents the ordinances where studies the word of grace, an with his people These are his the Lord has promised ie mploved how poor and trivial does golden hours, and when thus important sppear in his eyes! all that the world calls great 811 intercourse of heart with his Vea he is50 licitous to keep nd 30 far 8s he can succeed, Beloved in his busiest hours, etens all his troubles. And when alleviates all his labors and his Lord not scting for Him he is neither communing witl hamed and grieved sccounts his time lost sno ploved liefly active olies hese prom ised loved lden tant sppeai grest tercourse ligitous zeer canl ie ...